Java Script & Ajax for Dummies

Hello friends i am sharing this post about leaning of Java Script and Ajax and learn how to use these powerful tools together and build Web sites that work.
If anyone want to build web pages that offer some valued to your visitors AJAX and java script are top tools for the job. Even if any one new to web programming, this book helps you create sites any designer will admire. With easy to understand steps and an emphasis on free tools you'll be able to jump right into building a site using the same techniques as the pros
In this book you will get.

• How to choose a test browser
• How to discuss string concatenation with a straight face
• Tips for debugging your code
• How to add useful information to a dropdown list
• Why AJAX connections should be asynchronous
• The exciting possibilities of the jQuery library
• How to use the Aptana editor
• Online resources for javascript programmers

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