Apple iPad 2 White And Verizon Models Not Listed on Best Buy


It would appear that if you are in the market to pick up the latest iOS tablet out of the Apple camp, the Apple iPad 2 and want one on the Verizon network or a white model, then don’t head for Best Buy because apparently Best Buy has neither listed.

According to an article over on 9to5 Mac, Best Buy is currently only listing WiFi only and WiFi + 3G Apple iPad 2 tablets on AT&T and only available in black, not sure why they aren’t listing Verizon models or white versions but hopefully this will change by launch time.

Best Buy is also dropping their prices of the original Apple iPad to clear stock for the arrival of the Apple iPad 2, with prices now at $399 for the 16GB WiFi version – $499 for the 32GB WiFi version – $599 for the 64GB WiFi version – $529 for the 16GB 3G – $629 for the 32GB 3G – $729 for the 64GB model.

So f you are looking to pick up the original iOS tablet now may be a good time to snap up the device, or if you are hoping to purchase a Verizon or white model then you may have to look elsewhere.
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