Android Froyo Samsung Galaxy S 4G Review Video

Hello friend now SamSung with Android. I am writing about Samsung galaxy 4G reviews video.

For those that are on the fence about possibly picking up the new Samsung Galaxy S 4G smartphone on the T-Mobile HSPA+ network, we have some nice review footage of the Samsung Vibrant variant for your viewing pleasure below.

The Samsung Galaxy S 4G review footage comes our way courtesy of Jon Rettinger over at Technobuffalo and delivers ten minutes of checking out the smartphone to see if it is worth you laying out your hard earned cash for and signing your life away to T-Mobile for 2 years.

They apparently rate the Samsung Galaxy S 4G handset 4.5 stars out of 5 due to the handsets call quality and says customers would probably be happy with the Android 2.2 Froyo Samsung Galaxy S 4G.

However that doesn’t mean the Samsung Galaxy S 4G ticks all the boxes in all the areas, so how well does the Samsung Galaxy S 4G stack up? Well you are going to need to jump on down and hit that play button to find out.

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