US Intelligence Agency: Linux Help Wanted

In a just released "report card" on the use of open source technology at the federal level, the Defense Department received the highest rating -- 82 percent -- from Open Source for America. "The Department is looking to adopt transparent policies and procedures in line with President Obama's Open Government Directive," said Daniel Risacher, associate director of enterprise services and integration at DoD.
The National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) is compiling information on the capabilities of vendors who can assist it with its Linux-based information system. NGA has asked vendors to provide a description of their capabilities by Feb. 11. In a quick-response "Sources Sought" notice issued Jan. 28, NGA said it was "researching the market availability of firms that can potentially provide services and products that could be seamlessly incorporated" into the agency's baseline program.

"The information should describe how and why NGA would utilize your Linux solution -- not only responding to the ability to meet the criteria listed, but detailed capability to ensure it is a viable solution for NGA," it said.
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