PHP 5 Social Netwroking

Hello friends some i am sharing with you about social networking website. Through this book you will be able to create a powerful and dynamic Social Networking website in PHP by building a flexible framework.Build a flexible Social Networking framework using PHP which can be extended to fit the needs of any Social Networking site.Develop a suitable structure for our framework, with MVC to structure the architecture and a Registry to store core Objects.Allow users to connect and communicate with each other using communication with friends list, flexible user profiles, messages, discussions, and much more.Plan marketing and scaling strategies, to entice more users and ensure the site can cope with the demand.
 Packed with real-world code and clear explanation, this book uses an ongoing case study for creating a Social Networking framework In Detail Social Networking has quickly become a very popular activity on the Internet, particularly with the emergence of sites like Facebook and MySpace. PHP is a flexible web development language used on a wide variety of sites, including Facebook and Yahoo! But building a social networking site from scratch using PHP involves some complex logic, and also some serious coding.

This book will demonstrate how to create, maintain, and extend a powerful social network site. It shows how to create your own flexible social networking framework, allowing users to sign up, customize their profile, befriend other users, share information, communicate, interact with one another, and much more.
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