Laptop V/S iPad

Hello friends, many of us using laptop and also many friends using iPad. Well Laptop user must have a question in their mind that what is special in iPad and why the people choose the iPad, same as iPad users think what's the difference between Laptop and iPad.
Well i will try to explain some difference between Laptop and iPad.

Laptop Features.
A laptop we can say like PC ancestor. Laptop have a great capacity of desktop and with the combination of portability like a mobile. We can't put a Laptop in our pockets but we can transfer a desktop from one place to other place for business or any casual work. Where we need to changing our locations. A laptop have all rounding facility like business entertaining, gaming, networking, bluetooth, USB, camera and WIFI and aslo many others as like with time lapse there is always a new Technology in Laptop. Laptop have a great feature that we can use it as multi purpose. Different manufacturers of Laptop has something unique to offer and you can install anything onto a laptop.

iPad Features.
iPad like a super gadget combination of multiple devices like gaming device, photo frame, iPod, E-reader  in one device. iPad is a tablet PC which have size and weight like a laptop or also a cell. iPad have same Operating System like inside an Apple iPhone or iPod Touch. Apple have different small applications for web browsing, videos, emails, maps and many more. iPad has equipped with many apps and also you can install many more by Apple apps store. The touch screen is easy to clean and Apple users will adapt easily to the iPad look and feel. Latest iPad model have 1Ghz Apple processor and Wi-Fi antenna also have bluetooth connectivity. "Walled-garden" approach of the iPhone is extended in the iPad.

iPad vs Laptop

Ultimately while choosing between a laptop or an iPad it should be depends upon your requirements or usage. Understand your likes and dislikes, and what functions do you expect from your device. If you are looking for a portable, efficient and smart device, then the iPad is for you. With handy apps and easy wireless connectivity, it's a great addition to any household. If you have a lot of work are want heavy duty gaming and need multiple software and hardware support then you must go for a laptop. New laptops models are lighter, thin and more portable than old models. iPads are little too delicate for an industrial environment and not that productive to use in an office. But as an e-reader it's gained a fan following. The iPad is good for viewing photos and movies in cars and on the move.

Confused about iPad vs laptop for college? The iPad's cheaper price is a definite plus but remember cheaper also means less. For students of science or where there's a lot of note making, the iPad's keyboard makes typing difficult. Also, most college students are heavy duty gamers and the iPad's just not built for hardcore gaming. For those who want bare necessities of browsing, eMails, watching movies and reading eBooks, the iPad is trendy and fills this need. The iPad is one of the most affordable tablet PCs around and is a popular device choice. It cannot, at this point, replace laptops or personal computers. But it is a major technological step for hand-held devices, much like the laptop was, for computing 20 years ago. For leisure and entertainment, the iPad is a good choice. But for more productivity and varied usage, a laptop is a must-have. The iPad vs laptop pros and cons is a never-ending debate. A new iPad version will soon be released, so for now, this round of iPad vs laptop debate must draw to a close. 

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