Create a 3D Logo with Photoshop

Hello friends today I will show you how to create a 3d logo using Photoshop, Photoshop does not have 3d rendering capabilities but with a little bit of work and simple steps we should be able to create a 3d logo.
1 – Fire up Photoshop and create a new image, let’s size the image to 300×300.
2 – Create a new layer above the background layer, we will put our logo on this new layer.
3 – Go to your custom shape tool and draw any shape, this will be our logo that we’ll be working on.

4 – When your logo has been inserted, go to the Photoshop Main menu and select EDIT – TRANSFORM – SKEW. Drag out the bottom corners so your image looks like below. Press enter when you’re done.
5 – Next click CTRL+T on your keyboard and we will scale down the logo. Squeeze it down just a bit to give it more perspective, make sure you don’t over do it.
6 – Now let’s add some emboss to give it more dimension and shape. Go to FILTER – STYLIZE – EMBOSS and set the properties to what you see below:
7 – Now for creating the 3d effect – CTRL+click the layer the logo is on, this will select the logo. Now hold CTRL+ALT and hit the arrow up key, hit it about 10 times or however many you want. If you’re using an older version of Photshop, this step should’ve created multiple layers, in this case you will need to merge all those layers into 1. Click CTRL+E to get the logo into just one layer.
8 – Now our logo is looking a bit dull, let’s add some colors to it. CTRL+click the logo layer to select it, you should see an outline around the logo.
9 – Create a new layer above the logo layer and select it, choose the bucket tool and select any color you wish and fill the empty layer you just created.
10 – Go to the layer panel and change the layer type from Normal to Color. And here’s what the final output should look like:
11 - I suggest playing around with the drop shadows, glow effects, filters, etc to get your desired effect. Here’s what mine looks like after adding some effects to it.
12 – And here’s what our sample logo looks like:

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