Stop Staring and Start Grading with Apple Color

Stop Staring and Start Grading with Apple Color

The DVD contains 9 tutorial videos and at times we go room by room, control by control and other times we jump around the interface depending on what the natural flow is of that area of the interface. In the case of Setup, well that’s all self-contained whereas the Secondaries Room very often involves the ColorFX and Geometry Room. So where appropriate we will flow from room to room.


Article Focus:
Allow us to introduce one of the most eagerly anticipated DVDs in Creative Cow Master Series history, Walter Biscardi's overview of Apple Color. Building on nearly 20 years of professional editing experience, as well as years of experience with Apple Color (and Final Touch HD before it), he's got the perfect perspective to make working in Color easier than you imagined. It's the disk he wished he had when he started using Color.

What does this DVD cover?
The DVD covers the Color Interface because that is the biggest stumbling block for anyone trying to use this application. It looks completely different than just about anything else in the Mac marketplace so before you can really get into anything else with Color, you need to understand the interface.

In all it’s about 2 hours of training to get you comfortable with all the Rooms and how the interface works.

So what exact is the primary focus of this DVD?
My focus is to get you comfortable with Color and to show you just how simple the interface truly is to operate. People tell me all the time they’re intimidated by the interface and ask me why it looks the way it does. Because it was not designed for video editors, it was designed for professional Colorists who are used to operating systems with a similar layout as Color.

So if you’re a video editor or someone who has never sat in a color correction suite before, then this DVD is definitely for you. There is a method to the madness that is Color and by taking the time to walk you through the rooms and the controls, I feel that is the best way for you to truly begin to enjoy this powerful tool. Heck Apple handed you a $25,000 color correction tool for free, so get in there and start using it!

What’s actually on the DVD?
The DVD contains 9 tutorial videos and at times we go room by room, control by control and other times we jump around the interface depending on what the natural flow is of that area of the interface. In the case of Setup, well that’s all self-contained whereas the Secondaries Room very often involves the ColorFX and Geometry Room. So where appropriate we will flow from room to room.

The tutorials are provided in Quicktime Format, approximately 1024x768. (We had to leave a little room for the player controls.) The Chapters are:

* Chapter 1: The Prelude
Opening up Color for the First Time, starting Color from the Projects Screen, and setting up the screens for the lessons.
* Chapter 2: What is Color?
A brief history and explanation of why the interface looks like it does
* Chapter 3: Setup / User Preferences
An in-depth overview of the entire User Prefs dialogue in the Setup Room. Your Color experience can depend greatly on understanding these setups.
* Chapter 4: Setup / Other Tabs
Settings for all the other Setup Room Tabs.
* Chapter 5: Primary In Room
Overview of the Primary In Room including Wheels vs. Curves balancing, Auto Balance, Manual Balance, how to use Middle Click and some basic Primary Grading.
* Chapter 6: Secondaries Room with some Geometry
Overview of the Secondaries Room including Enabling Secondaries, Curves, Vignette Controls, Creating User Shapes, Motion Tracking and Keys.
* Chapter 7: ColorFX Room & Primary Out
Overview of the Rooms including Building a Node Tree, Applying Filters, How and when to use the Primary Out Room.
* Chapter 8: Geometry, Still Store, Render Queue
Overview of additional Geometry Room features, Pan and Scan, Keyframing. Also, setting up the Render Queue, Send to Final Cut Pro, and additional Shapes information.
* Chapter 9: Final Thoughts
Copying and Saving Grades, Taking Grades with you and some other final thoughts.

Aren't you an Editor, not a Colorist?
Absolutely I am, 17 years now working both in broadcast and corporate arenas with many professional honors to show for it. Now like many of you considering this DVD, I’m also a graphic artist, compositor, and even an occasional sound designer because that’s what we do now with computer based editing systems. Also I know an editor can get on to pretty much any editing system and figure out what they’re doing in short order, they all pretty much work the same, With Color, the editing rules just don’t apply. So as an editor, I know that the first thing you need to know is how to operate this interface.
Two years ago I started out on this tool when it was still called, “Final Touch HD” and there was no widespread training and barely a manual. I brought in an accomplished Colorist to train me on the interface and show me some tips and tricks to make our work look better. Suddenly I could create looks that were once the domain of very high end rooms. Then Apple purchased the company and now here we are with the tool re-branded Apple Color and included in the Final Cut Studio package.

So as an editor, this is the DVD I wish I had back when I first got Final Touch.

How long did it take to make the DVD?
Honestly, almost three months to plan it out, record the lessons and especially the editing. The biggest issue with trying to make a tutorial is just how vast the Color interface is, even in Single Display Mode. A lot of the text and elements are quite small and when you’re making a tutorial fit into a small window space for the Quicktimes, it can be darn near impossible to see what I’m doing.

I considered some sort of animated cursor but wasn’t happy with the look. I really wanted you to be able to clearly see what I was doing during the tutorials. So what I ended up doing was creating split screens so I could zoom in tightly on where I’m working and allow you to see other pertinent areas of the interface.

t took twice as long to edit this DVD than it did to plan and actually record! I feel it’s all worth it in the final product though and hopefully you’ll feel the same!

Will I be a professional colorist when I finish this DVD?
No, no and no. This takes a lot of time. Remember I said I have 17 years editing? In all those years I’ve been color grading without really realizing it. We just called it meeting broadcast standards in levels and colors, but in reality, I’ve been building my “color eye” for 17 years. With my move to Final Cut Pro 6 years ago, I really started to take advantage of the Color Correction tools, especially as we moved into HD broadcast work three years ago. So for me, I’ve been building towards a tool like Color for 17 years now. I don’t consider myself a professional Colorist yet, but I feel very confident with my Color skills and give it a few more years and I’ll think about adding “Colorist” to my title.

Consider this DVD your first step in improving your color grading skills.
Keep in mind that this is one way to operate the software, it’s how I operate the interface. As with any software application, there are multiple ways to do just about anything. Take my information and use it as a starting point. Once you understand how the interface operates, you’ll find a workflow that works best for you.

Most of all, I hope you enjoy our time spent together. I had a great time putting this together and I hope it shows in the final product! Happy Grading!

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