Meet the new Firefox 4 Beta


Hello friends this article i am just writing about Mozila Firefox Browser that how you can get maximum option from your browser. Simple Firefox when you installed it provides you only a simple browser but actually it is not only a simple browser it have a lot of option. Firefox released latest version of the browser which is Firefox 4 Beta for download you can download from here Click here. This version of  Firefox have many better options and features. Latest features of this version are these read here.  Firefox also released many new addons for your Firefox browser these addons make you reliable for using your browser like bookmarks, feeds, ranking addons, speed dial. Firefox 4 Beta have more option than last like it is 3X faster and it's V8 benchmark Version 6 improved 5X.
You can improve your Firefox performance by using Mozila addons. Mozila Firefox devolper addons for their browser you can search and get every time of addons click here.

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