The Heart of SOURCERER iPhone and iPod Touch

The Heart of SOURCERER iPhone and iPod Touch.


Hello friends this post is about a game for Apple product i.e iPhone and iPad.
The Heart of SOURCERER is the game with main characters of “SOURCERER” who manipulate “SOUMA”, the techniques resembling a magic. SOUMA is created by “SOURCE” resembling “a magic spell”, which is actually in this game “scripts”. The SOURCERER can manipulate various SOUMA by collecting and chanting the SOURCE.

This Role Playing Game starts one early summer day in Commesat Village which is located in rarely visited region. The major character in this game Asa Delphin who got SOUMA initiation from his master Hermit Leeside and his best friend Corpo Agiel begin their quest in Sinen Forest located in just outside of Commesat Village.

Asa is an introvert and quiet boy but has zeal for studies and is good at interacting with nature. The mayor of the Village, Kabal Fog allows Asa to obtain the initiation of SOUMA. Asa’s best friend Corpo has an opposite character to Asa. He is an extravert and adventurous boy.

The SOURCERER like Asa is normally left vulnerable while chanting the SOURCE, so the SOURCERER needs the protection by a warrior type of person like Corpo. Two boys get through the adventure, working in concert using Asa’s SOUMA ability and Corpo’s defensive and offensive ability.

The Village is protected by special force shield but outside the Villages there are ghostly monsters hanging around with negative conscious mind. These monsters will not intentionally take people’s lives but will try to squeeze the Life Energy out of the people who come closer to them. Among the monsters, there are some who become powerful entities coincidentally and these monsters are becoming of threats to the people.

Asa and Corpo continue their adventure having various experiences in interacting with these monsters. Two boys are led to the mountain where rumor says “the center of the world” is located. Two boys finally touch the secret of this world ….

We hope you enjoy unique elements and idyllic and leisurely world of this game.

Features of this game are these.

- Original view of the world based on oriental philosophy
- Full 3D graphics
- Compatible with Retina display of iPhone4
- Compatible with high resolution of iPad
- BGM taking advantage of iPhone audio capability
- Episode 1 has two sections, volume 1 and volume 2 and volume 1 and volume2 are separately released on the market. Now volume 1 is available.
- Estimated playing hours to beat volume 1 would be around 6 hours.
- You will find a hidden powerful enemy, after beating the game.

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And Downloads from here.

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