HTC Incredible 2 Droid Showcase App Removed


Droid does and then doesn’t when it comes to the new HTC DROID Incredible 2 Showcase app, it was on Android Market and then got removed. Why?
A new app hit the Android Market called the showcase app for Droid Incredible 2; it was there for a little while and then mysteriously disappeared. Ok so it may be gone now but at least we know that the Incredible 2 smartphone is nearing release.
Droid-Life managed to get a couple of screenshots (Shown Below This Article) before the app was removed so well done to them, we mentioned yesterday that this smartphone could possibly release somewhere around April 28 so it stands to reason that the app showed up, as for it not showing now is beyond us.
Please let us know if you got to see the new HTC DROID Incredible 2 Showcase app before it was removed, we would love to hear from you.
The HTC Incredible 2 is going to be a world phone according to our previous news article, we will keep you posted about release dates, prices etc as soon as we hear about them. Join us on Facebook or Twitter for instant updates.

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